
Merry Christmas

Way to Monterey

At the Fishermen's Wharf


이걸 친구들한테 사주려다가 개수가 모자라길래 말았다.
Tried to buy this for my friends but there were only 6 of this. Needed more so I just gave up.


이렇게 춥지않은 크리스마스는 처음이었구 겨울같지도 않구 하루종일 다니기에 날씨가 환상적일정도로 좋았다! 평생 잊을수 없는 크리스마스가 된것같다.
It was my first Christmas ever which wasn't even cold and snowy, and the weather was fantaaaaaastic! Totally unforgettable.


The Christmas in the Park

오늘은 Jon오빠랑 아침에 공원에가서 난 강아지 훈련시키는거 구경하고 이 오빠는 농구하고, 아침에 머핀굽는 연기에 파이어알람이 잘못울려서 하드웨어에서 그것도 새로 사러갔다가, 집왔다가, 친구인 Kris 집에 가서 블루레이로 엘리시움을 보다가 어제 다섯시에 자서 오늘 무지 늦게 일어난줄 알았더니 8시반에 일어나가지고 졸려서 졸았다. 암튼 그러고 나서 San Jose에 있는 The Christmas in the Park에 갔는데 사진 많이찍고 마지막에 타이 레스토랑 갔다가 일찍귀가! 여기 온 이후로 처음으로 일찍 들어온듯
Today I woke up at 8:30 and I thought it was already noon coz I slept at 5 in the morning. Anyway Jon and I went to the park and he played basketball and I just watched people training their dogs. Then we came back home after we bought new fire alarms at the hardware store. Then we went to Kris' place and watched Elysium and we both slept during the movie. Then we went to San Jose and went to The Christmas in the Park and took photos and went to a gorgeous Thai restaurant and then came home early. This is actually the first time I got home early since I came here.

더 많지만 졸려서 여기서 마친다.
Next time,


Too tired to blog so bunch of photos

Me in front of the Union Square HUGE XMAS TREE  

In front of the NORDSTROM, a guy was playing everything and he was also singing
Macy's. We had to wait for 4hrs to eat at the Cheese Cake Factory
That guy was playing "The Christmas Song", which is my favorite.
BTW this is the Powell St. We took the BART to get to SF.
This is how BART looks like. I should have took the whole feature of it but forgot to. it's ok, coz I'm gonna be taking this a lot.
Awesome vodka which tastes like raspberry. This, I'm gonna buy it when I'm going back to Korea.
Just a view in the car way back home from a Mexican restaurant called LA VICTORIA MASQUERIDA. Hope the spelling's right.

That's all. I'm finally free from my jetlag.


Layover in Vancouver

비행기안에서 자다가 앞에 컴터로 슈퍼배드 보다가 밥먹고 자다가 또 밥먹으니까 도착! 나는 직항이 아니라서 밴쿠버 공항에서 열시간 혼자 버텨야하는데 여긴 크리스마스 분위기로 너무너무 행복하다
Sleep-watching Despicable Me-dinner-sleep-breakfast and now I arrived at the Vancouver airport! I have a 10hr layover here so i was worried that I might get bored, but in here, there's Xmas everywhere!

(Sorry I was on a moving walk)

아 그리고 내가 여태 먹어본 기내식 중에 멀미안하고 맛있게 먹은 기내식은 첨이었다
Everytime I try the food that the airline offers, it just didn't satisfy my appetite but this was different. Air Canada rocks

Beef, tiramisu, kimchi, salad, wine

이건 내가 창가 자리에 앉아서 본 누구나 다 찍는다는 식상한 비행기 날개+하늘 사진
This is the view from my window seat

Basic iPad camera application

Procam with filter

비행기가 너무 흔들려서 아침에 커피를 못마신터라 내리자마자 커피를 찾아 헤매니까 어느나라에나 다 있다는 스타벅스가 있당ㅎㅎㅎ
Since there was a severe turbulence, I couldn't get coffee for breakfast so I rushed into Starbucks right away

아 그리고 난 그냥 mp3 파일 틀어놓은줄 알았는데 라이브로 공연을 하고있었당ㅎㅎㅎ 재지한 블루스풍의 캐롤이랑 내가 좋아하는 분위기의 노래! 그리고 여자 보컬분 목소리가 너ㅓㅓㅓㅓㅓ무 좋아서 그냥 앞에 죽치고 앉아서 들었다. 피아노 치시는 남자분도 Charlie Brown Christmas 치실때 진짜 익살맞았다. 저런 공연 하고싶다!
Oh and there was music everywhere in the airport so I just thought it was a music file but it was a live concert. They were a Jazzy blues band and they performed some carols and song I like(like Ain't no sunshine)! That female vocalist has A VOICE!!! And when the pianist played Charlie Brown Christmas, I really imagined Snoopy running down the street. I wanna do such concert someday.

I'll post a lot coz I really need something to do right now.


Trip to California: day1

Day1: Departure

떠난다 드디어 ㅎㅎㅎ 오지않을 날일줄 알았는데 종강해서 결국 떠난다. 의도치않게 스누버디 일을 처음부터 못하게 되었는데 계속 신경쓰일거 같다. 뼈빠지게 고생해서 벌어서 가는 여행인만큼 후회없는 여행되게노력해야겠다
Now the day has come finally! Thought this day would never come but it did eventually. Couldn't be in Korea with my admins from SNU buddy and I'm really sorry about it. I worked on this so hard to pay all of  these stuffs so I'll make this trip really special.


iPad Air!

이쁜 사진 편집 어플이 있어서 받았당ㅎㅎㅎ 

Pretty photo editing app


이렇게 레트로한 분위기를 주는 앱이당 글씨도 쓸수있고 이뿌당ㅎㅎ 캘리포니아 여행을 3일 뒤에 가ㄴ다는게 너무 신나서 앱 사자마자 글쓴다 참고로 $1.99밖에 안하니 사두면 좋을것같다

This is for the retro effect like this photo above. We can write something and it's really pretty. I'm now so excited about going to California tree days later!!!! FYI, it's only $1.99.

Done with my posting today! :^)